Vagabond Voices is an independent publisher that is both Scottish and European in its aims.


Vagabond is committed to introducing new titles from Scottish authors and translating fiction from other languages. Our library reflects our aims to promote literary ambition and innovative writers, and to challenge readers.

Vagabond Voices publications are arranged into four categories:



Vagabonds are literary works in original English. We call them Vagabonds because they involve journeys in search of small, subjective truths. Some recent Vagabonds include Potter’s Field, Sheep and Goats, Things Written Randomly in Doubt, Aliyyah and Spring Manoeuvres.



Our translated1 works are called Changelings because, like changelings, translations only give the appearance of being the original but are in fact subtly different. Some recent Changelings include The Garden, Of Jewish Race and Stillness of the Sea.

Our Rants titles comprise political polemics aimed at widening political debate in Scotland. Recent works in this category include In Place of Fear II and Human Rights in a Big Yellow Taxi.



With our collection of challenging literary titles, Vagabond Voices might be described as the art-house cinema of Glasgow’s publishing scene.

The resources of a small publisher like Vagabond Voices can do very little to change popular tastes and attitudes; instead, we seek to serve the small but significant camp of readers that are being let down in these times dominated by the economies of scale.

The vagabond represents our dedication to making available important and insightful stories and ideas from around the globe.